ND Unlimited

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Welcome to ND Unlimited, your gateway to on-line comics and more by Terrence and Isabel Marks! Please be sure to click the images below to check out our comics!

Our currently updating comics:


Nicole and Derek
 Nicole Adams and Derek O'Donnell are two high school kids trying to figure things out.
A standalone sequel featuring children of the main characters of You Say it First, and Namir Deiter

 Written by Terrence Marks and drawn by Isabel Marks, updated every Monday through Friday!


The ND U
The NDU is about a few girls going to Northern Davenlake University.
It's funny how much difference a few small changes can make.


  A very random comic drawn and written by Isabel Marks. Doesn't really have an update schedule.

Our completed comic series:

The lives, loves and struggles of four young girls and their friends and family trying to make the best out of life.
 Written and drawn by Isabel Marks.

A love story about what happens after you get the girl.
Written by Terrence Marks and drawn by Isabel Marks

The story of a boy, a girl and a strange group of college cohorts.
Written by Terrence Marks and drawn by Isabel Marks

Avery arrives at boarding school, and tries to re-establish her life.
Written and drawn by Isabel Marks

The prequel to You Say it First... starring Brisbane Adams, vaudeville performer extraordinaire, and Kimberly Taylor the fast-talking booth girl.

Written by Terrence Marks, drawn by a variety of artists.

All content on https://ndunlimited.com is © by Isabel Marks 1999-2016.
Do not distribute any content of this site or network without the consent of the artist, Isabel Marks..